( I’m closing my second experience of Overland Track now.
I realise once again I am an extremely lucky person with this privilege that I share my life thoroughly with my loved ones.
Looking forward to many many more in the future!!!
Love you Eddie and love you Suze!!!!)
We were awake with sudden noises.
People came standing next to our tent to see the magnificent images made by the sun from other side of mountains.
We could not see the actual sun rise there but it was a perfect spot to see the mighty expansive canvas on which the sun was painting.
Again our tent spot was proved to be best for everything.
Last time it was quite heavily raining in the morning so no one must not have thought of this kind of event.
We had one last installment of walk of approximately 3 hours this morning.
Weather was perfectly good and warm.
We were laughing again at the fork where previously Eddie did a wrong turn with his excuse of a big crowd blocking the signage etc....memories and memories!
We arrived at the Narcissus Hut around midday and let ferry people know we were there for 1 pm ride to Cynthia Bay via radio as we were told to do so.
We heaved down our big packs as we were realizing our long walk was finished there finally.
Time passed quicker than you thought it would have as usual but at the same time it didn’t fail to leave another precious memory we could cherish for the rest of our life.
People who had to walk to Cynthia Bay looked tight up with time as they had around 5 to 6 more hours' walk from there!
They didn’t have a luxury to stop there enjoying peaceful scene along Lake St Clair.
Lake was humongously full and wide.
As always blue sky and bright sun reflected on lake waters to make it look even more sparkling!
They put a gazebo canopy at the small wharf with a few benches since last time.
I remembered M from Spain in 2015 complained about this humble wharf and maybe it's her who complained to the authorities to consider setting up these.
Who knows?
We took a photo in front of the finishing sign of Overland Track at Cynthia Bay feeling proud and melancholy.
Before the bus ride we did not forget to grab a little bit of indulgence like delicious hot proper coffee and drinks with muffins or burgers etc.