Blue Mountains
Easter came.
Unlike usual us we didn't have any concrete plan this time.
I was being torn between two thoughts.
Feeling like a real relax without doing much.
At the same time feeling missing out by not doing a hike for a good chance to do it.
Like me, half of people I spoke to seemed to decide to stay home trying to avoid crowds.
Even so,half of people still decided to go away to enjoy a long weekend.
Thursday night me and Eddie finally decided to stay home.
This time we didn't find any new heart pumping challenging course we could do.
We were talking about a few walking tracks we had already done.
But none of them were attracting too much this time.
I woke up with my favourite music and with the smell of freshly ground and brew coffee
from downstairs.
It was a nicely lazy feeling.
Gym was closed like almost everything else on Good Friday.
It was one boiling hot day.
At midday the heat was almost unendurably suffocating us.
It used to be wet and not too hot during Easter as far as I remember.
After light dinner we walked Blue Gum Track nearby.
It is a circuit trail consisting of almost every elements as a good track.
First picturesque flat paths under the tall shady gum trees
followed by a rugged undulating rocky terrain along the big creek.
And then a few hills which made us lightly out of breath after crossing the creek.
Finally we reached thick fern forest way which led back to near where we parked
our car.
It was suitable for a day like this.
And a good way to close a day too.
It was still hot and humid after dark unusually.
Saturday: Acacia Flats via Lockley's Pylon
According to the weather forecast today's maximum temp would be 25 degrees Celsius.
Upcoming two days will be even hotter like over 32 degrees Celsius.
So we decided it was the best day for a hike to Blue Mountains.
We had been hiking almost every possible hiking routes in Blue Mountains.
This time we went to Lockley's Pylon and futher down to Acasia Flats in Grose Valley.
We hiked down to Grose Valley via Perrys lookdown or Pierces Pass or Evans Lookout/Govetts Leap Lookout before
but not from Lockley's Pylon.
A memory surfaced.
We went to Lockley's Pylon in August 2015 for the first time.
To approach the track entrance we had to drive on the worst ever gravel road for around 2 kilometres
off from Western Highway at Leura.
The dirt road was filled with numerous holes and bumps.
I was scared and tensed in the driving car swaying left and right grabbing the handle at the window side
or my back seat alternately.
I told Eddie better not to go and Eddie said it was a relatively safe road.
I didn't believe him and when finally our car wheels got stuck in the holes and didn't move forward
I was very anxious.
Finally Suze had enough, told me it's ok.
She got annoyed with me.
Me and Suze got out of car and Eddie manoeuver car wheels back and forth to escape from the holes.
Most Blue Mountains tracks start from cliffs straight to valleys.
But this track travers a wide range of forests and spurs before reaching a point where you encounter
steep downward scrambling route.
It was so impressive that I instantly fell in love with the scenery forgotten about all the silly worries.
Steep down and up climbing to and from the valley was a natural merit of hiking in Blue Mountains.
It was a one good hike.