Suze was admitted as an official lawyer on the 24th of May 2019 at Supreme Court of NSW.
It was my first time ever to be in a place called 'court'.
I was of course thrilled that my first visit there was for my precious daughter's one of culminations
in her educations.
It was one warm sunny autumn day.
My sister Chris brought a big bouquet of pretty mixture of Australian native flowers.
It lasted much longer than any other sorts of fragile flowers in the vase at home.
It was good to see a longer lasting memory in the vase afterwards.
When we arrived at the court, previous group of new lawyers were gathering in front of the new court
building waiting for their chances to be photographed showing Supreme Court facades with them.
Suze showed me photos of people with the court building at the background on SNS showing off the big moments
of being admitted as new lawyers a few years ago.
And yes the time came for her at last to do so.
You wouldn't miss this ritual!
We met her senior lawyer there who was to 'move' her to become an official lawyer.
Every new lawyer candidate had her or his mover who was already an experienced lawyer.
Everyone seemed to be happy to be part of this honourable event even though they had to make efforts
to be there away from their routines.
Suze looked extremely happy and excited with this glorious moment of her life.
With her friends, boss, collegues and parents.
Which made me very happy too with all my hearts.
The good warm weather was a real plus.
The ceremony was simple.
It was not long either.
But I tried to capture and remember the short moment when Suze's mover and Suze were standing in there.
It was a little emotional when a mother read a statement in a trembling voice to request the judge to move
her own daughter as a new lawyer.
In addition my father was the happiest person with her achievement in fact.
It just happened that my daughter made his unattainable life goal true after all.
All his seven daughters didn't do anything at all related to his dream or goals.
Suze playfully asked me if she changed her career it would be ok with me?
She knows when other people ask me what my daughter does, I somewhat answer the question
with a pride that she is a lawyer.
But at the end of the day I want her to be happy whether she is a lawyer or not.
I want her to feel accomplishment at what she is doing.
Love you my precious daughter!
I'm extremely proud at what you have achieved.