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Sun Rise and Sun Set at Yacaaba Headland Sunday Morning Why would you give up your precious morning sleep in your warm bed, out into the darkest and coolest time zone before the world come awake? Because this everyday-different-panoramic-show captivates you? Because otherwise it would be disappeared obliviously? I don't know. Now I recall clearly the colour of dawn that quiet early morning which enveloped us and whispered us with those.. 2018. 9. 7.
Hawks Nest It's officially spring now as September came. Last winter was weird in terms of weather. It was extremely cold and wet initially but later on too dry without much rain. It's unbearable to face coldness and wetness at the same time but too droughty was dreadful. It was a bit worrisome I've never had this kind of long lasting winter still hovering over your shoulder with its awfully cold hands in .. 2018. 9. 4.
Prayer Eddie suggested that we go to Nan Tien Temple on weekends. To pray he added. Whenever I am busy with mundane daily life duties he shows his affections and concerns to my daughter by checking on her faithfully, replying her daily messages or ridiculous requests patiently and diligently. I go to our group talk and feel simply happy whenever I see they talk and share. It's almost the same as I do t.. 2018. 8. 19.
Sun Rise at Lord Howe 2 and half hours' morning walk for 5 days I decided to follow Eddie's morning walk for the sun rise from day 5 to day 9. Most of the time it took 2 and half hours in total each morning. Two hours for walking and half an hour devoted for the ceremony. Looking back it was one of my highlights to have sequential experiences with changed locations on different weather conditions day by day. It was a.. 2018. 7. 15.