분류 전체보기246 Easter 2020 This year you didn't need to bother to plan what to do during Easter of course. Staying home, keeping social distancing. I usually cook every day and pack our lunches everyday. These days I keep this routine but there is no option for eating out. Thanks to this Coronavirus pandemic. Weather's good even though it's terribly windy today. Two baches of big washing were outside swaying dancing with .. 2020. 4. 11. 타스마니아, 호바트 타스마니아의 오버랜드 트랙을 끝냈다. 이번이 두번째 였다. 첫번째는 2015년 12월이었는데 그때는 전 세계에서 온 수많은 외국인들이 주류 였다면 이번엔(3월 초) 모두가 호주사람들 이고 (코비드 때문인지 시기 때문인지) 등산경험이 많이 없지만 새로운 도전 을 해보고 싶은 사람들이 많아 보였다. 험한 날씨에도 텐트를 치고 텐트를 칠때도 다음날 해뜨는 방향과 바람의 움직임 을 염두에 두는 진정한 하이커도 있었고 하루 일정을 맞추지 못해 해가 진후 모든 사람들이 쉬려고 할때 지친얼굴로 온몸 을 이끌고 돌아온 초보 하이커도 있었다. 첨에 우리는 업체에서 장비를 빌려 서 사용했고 multi days 하이킹 은 첨이라 걷는 것은 문제가 없었지만 전반적으로 어리버리하고 초보같은 기분으로 산행을 끝냈다면 두번째 는 .. 2020. 3. 17. Coronavirus panic buying When we came back from Tasmania it already started. There were empty shelves for toilet papers ,tissues and hand sanitizers etc in every supermarkets. I could not believe it. Why especially toilet papers? It’s a question no one answers me clearly. No one is wearing a mask but obviously every one is panicking and scared. In Korea it seems that everyone is fighting for masks but no panic buying fo.. 2020. 3. 17. Overland Track 2020( Part 2) Day 2 Scott Kilvert Hut to Windermere Hut We were aware of a bad weather coming so I persuaded Eddie to sleep inside the hut. It could have hit us in the middle of night. The whole day felt like 'the calm before the storm' in my mind. Scott Kilvert Hut was a small two-story more like emergency hut. There was no one when we arrived there. All hikers of the previous day left except dust and silenc.. 2020. 3. 15. 이전 1 ··· 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ··· 62 다음